Waterwatch Cooperative: Building an Eco-System
By 2050 the earth will be home to nine billion people. The majority of this growth will occur in developing countries. Urbanization will continue and income levels will increase substantially. In order to feed this larger, more urban and richer population, food production must increase by 70 percent while using less water.
To be successful and sustainable, Waterwatch Cooperative has chosen a ‘field-to-fork’ approach, involving all actors in the value chain ranging from farmers to credit-providers, insurance companies and wholesalers. With a number of different partners it is building an eco-system consisting of a number of elements:
Global Vegetation Database We are developing the Global Vegetation Database 3.0 that provides information obtained from satellites, climate and weather forecast sources for farmers and other stakeholders to make well-informed decisions on how to increase food production worldwide.
Agricultural Monitoring System (AMS) The project aims to build an infrastructure of 4-6 Nano-satellites that can collect geo data specifically for agriculture.
Apps Based on the Database Building applications based on the database for all stakeholders in agro food production and water management, such as farmers, water boards and food processors. That way, people can make well-informed decisions to increase food production!

Customized Solutions We offer costumized solutions to solve problems in the agricultural sector globally. We cover topics such as cutting pesticides, fertilizers and water; crop insurance; remote sensing techniques for agriculture.
Waterwatch Cooperative has developed the concept of Agri-Spaces, Centers of Excellence connecting different stakeholders to achieve innovative solutions. At Agri-Spaces new innovative ideas in the area of Information services for AgriFood are created, developed, tested, validated and commercialized worldwide.